Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gallery Wall

Hello all!  What a busy time of year!  I can't WAIT to start working on Christmas decorating!!!!  I refuse to start before Thanksgiving though.  I want to share with you my gallery wall in the entry.  This is a glimpse of what our entry looked like upon moving in.

Builder-grade tile, dark paint colors, skinny trim...not quite my style.  Before moving in, we replaced the tile with a dark wood laminate, replaced the trim with a 5 inch style, and repainted the walls.

While shopping for a kitchen table, I saw a cute white bench that I had to have!  It was calling my name...literally!  I hadn't even thought about the entry, but this purchase got my mind spinning.  This is where it sat all weekend...I've diagnosed myself with adult ADD, because I tend to start projects and not finish them!
Ha!  Being inside the front door and having to walk around it was my motivation to finish putting it together.  You can see the new floors, paint color, and trim. (smile) 

I had also been looking for something to put on the wall that would fit inside the niche.  Upon perusing Pinterest (my guilty addiction), I saw this gallery wall:
Instantly, I had to try one myself!  I already had some framed pictures (in a box somewhere) and found some mirrors at the dollar store. I've read that the key is to think of your creation as an overall shape, so I thought of mine as a giant square.  (Side note...If you haven't joined Pinterest and would like to, send me your e-mail and I will send you an invite.  It's an online 'pin'board where you can virtually add pictures of things you like on the internet.  It keeps them organized in one spot! I said, so consider yourself warned!)

I hung the pictures, hot glued some black ribbon to the mirrors, threw some pillows on the bench, and here you have my gallery wall...

  Thanks for stopping by..and by the way, I finally got my dining room table!!!

Isn't it pretty???  More on that adventure soon!  Have a good week and stay "cents"ible!!!


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